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Class 2 Cross Disciplinary

Invitation to students to participate is here:  PhD Flier

Student Group: ‘Cross Disciplinary Group’ working on projects with ‘Family Carers’, ‘Community Radio Youghal’ Global Hub Programme and UCC ‘Friends of Refugees’ Group.

In year 2, I ran a six-week course on Development Education which I set up specifically for research purposes.  I invited students from across campus to attend and it became a base for four of the case study students, including Claire, Obafemi and Andy mentioned above.  The fourth student, called Finuala in this thesis, was a first year social science student who responded to the research invitation.  In total, a group of seven students, five female and two male, participated in the interdisciplinary group (all from the humanities), whom I recruited through the UCC email system, posters, visiting classrooms and word of mouth.  They were from different nationalities (Irish, American, Malaysian and Nigerian) and ranged in age from nineteen to seventy. All except one were students at different levels in UCC, from first year to PhD level.  Obafemi, was a post-secondary school student at a nearby college and was living in a direct provision centre. All participated actively, carried out community-linked projects and discussed the DE themes and their community-linked projects in weekly classroom-based sessions.  Two of the students in this group, Andy and Finuala, were also undertaking this work as part of a work placement for their own studies.  Topics covered in these workshops included ‘development’, ‘development education’ and related terms; social justice; global and local migration and refugee issues; human rights; hidden work of women and sustainable development.

The Cross Disciplinary Group