All of the Cross Disciplinary Group students participated in a project relating to refugees. They were actively involved in establishing a student and staff group called UCC Friends of Refugees, they organised a public seminar about the global refugee crisis and they made two radio programmes at Community Radio Youghal (CRY)[1], where I volunteer, one on the local and one on the global aspects of the refugee crisis. Links to the radio shows are HERE. Of the four ‘key participants’ Andy worked closely with me on a work-placement in collaboration with the Family Carers Ireland[2] Cork branch on their campaign and digital storytelling work. He also worked with me on several radio shows on a range of development issues and he took part in the online course with the Lesotho community. In the family carers group the ‘key community partner’ is Kathleen, described in more detail below. Obafemi and Claire worked on the refugee projects, including the radio and the digital story-telling project outlined above. Finuala collaborated with Obafemi on the production of part of a radio show about the asylum system in Ireland. She also worked with me on a work-placement, which is described under ‘Project 4’ below.
The following is part of a document the group developed as part of their vision for FOR>
The full protection of refugee rights throughout the world and an end to the causes of forced migration.
Our mission is:
To provide a forum for past and present students and staff of UCC to promote awareness of refugee issues, campaign for their rights and provide practical and humane responses to their needs.
Our Objectives are:
Objective 1: To raise awareness and encourage dialogue amongst students, staff and the wider public about the causes of forced migration and the needs and rights of refugees locally and internationally.
Objective 2: To Campaign for an end to forced migration and the protection of refugee rights throughout the world.
Objective 3: To provide Practical and Educational Supports to refugees and wider community locally and internationally.
Objective 4: To Collaborate with initiatives and networks seeking durable solutions to the world refugee crisis at Local, National and International levels.
Objective 5: To fundraise for the successful implementation of the work of the work of Friends of Refugees.